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Cybernetic Hitmen
Unity Blender C#  Cybernetic Hitmen is an experimental first person shooter that is meant to be highly competitive and not very resource demanding, for the e-sports market. The player controller allows for very quick, agile movement. Weapons are completely modular and are composed of different parts, and are assembled by a script when they are made active. The base part of the weapon is the receiver, where the barrel, stock, magazine, and scope attach. An optional muzzle can also be attached to the end of the barrel. This allows for seemingly limitless variations for each individual receiver.
 The player is also planned to be modular as well, allowing players to switch out torsos and legs for speed or health buffs. The player will have access to tactical equipment and abilities, known as MercWare, to aid them in combat in online matchmaking. 3D assets still need to be made for this game. As of right now it looks ugly.